Click me to see my profile Chelsea Yuen

Baby Profile

  • First Name: Chelsea
  • Surname: Yuen
  • Birthday: Tuesday, 22nd May, 2007
  • Days of Birth: 6359
  • Constellation: Gemini
  • Birth Weight: 3.06kg
  • Weight: 10.6kg
  • Height: 72cm
  • Head Circumference: 46cm
  • Lucky Number: 1, 2, 8
  • Lucky Colour: Black, Grey, Blue, Yellow, Brown

Chelsea, another precious gift to us, was born in early summer 2007, just before the heat wave arrives. Although we are not first time parents, we find this baby girl changes our lives as much as her elder sister did. While we are more familiar in taking physical care of the girl, we are working hard in obtaining the new balance in the family and teaching the girl and her sister how to get along with each other.

A new life is a new hope. This new hope opens up new vision for us and once again, reminds us to become strong in facing new challenges. With this new hope, our lives become even more meaningful.

We are wishing Chelsea happy and good health through this website. My friends, if you want to do the same, please visit this site more frequently and update yourself with the most recent development of this little girl. You can also click to Cherri's site so visitors can get a pretty good update of the Yuen's family and access any useful resources. Hope you find pleasure in this website!


Chelsea's Developmental Milestones

27th MonthExpress herself in full sentence
26th MonthJump
25th MonthRun
24th MonthSay sentences
23rd MonthExpress her toilet needs
22nd MonthAnswer self name
21st MonthGrowth of the canine
20th MonthGive commands
19th MonthShake with music and speak couple words
18th MonthPile up blocks, growth of first Molars, and know some parts of body
17th MonthGrowth of the lower jaw lateral incisors and shake hands
16th MonthGrowth of the left upper jaw lateral incisor
15th MonthCalling MaMa and pronounce 'Hello'
14th MonthTurn around and pronounce 'Mo'
13th MonthWalk alone and growth of the upper jaw central incisor
12th MonthStand alone, growth of the right lower jaw central incisor, cruise round furniture, pointing, and follow commands
11th MonthGrowth of the left lower jaw central incisor
10th MonthClap hands
9th MonthWave bye-bye
8th MonthStranger anxiety, pincer grasp and stand with support
7th MonthCrawl
6th MonthSit without support
5th MonthHand transfer
4th MonthPickup things
3rd MonthTurn from supine to prone position
2nd MonthHead control and social smile
1st MonthEye to eye contact