Chelsea's Guestbook

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安娜   Website  9:58, Jul 11,2007  Edit

好可愛呀~~~ 個頭仔好圓呀~~~
松鼠爸爸有兩個咁得意既囡囡... 其實似係松鼠媽媽既功勞囉... 

但記住教囡囡叫我姐姐好喇... 嘩哈哈~~~

ReplyYes, both are Noel's praiseworthy achievement, mother always is the greatest of all.
I will teach them that younger than her mother is call sister, older than mother is auntie.

Cherry   9:37, Jul 11,2007  Edit

Chelsea 好叻, 一個月已經識抬高頭啦

睇到你地嘅 website, 就可以感受到你地對兩個女兒的愛, 好溫馨


祝 Chelsea 快高長大

ReplyYes, she looks develop very fast, in second month already see her lower jaw central incisor are growing.

Jody   9:32, Jul 11,2007  Edit

yeah~ the first one~  

ReplyCongratulations! You are really fast. Please visit often!

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